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World-famous sports handicapper reveals his personal top daily plays YOU can bet on!
"At Last! A Fool Proof Done-It-For-You Handicapping Service That Guarantees To Uncover Winners You Can Bet On!"
Experience The Power, Confidence, and Sheer Unbridled Joy of Putting Your Money on the Winners Night After Night..." I've done all the 'work' for you... There's nothing to learn and there's absolutely no margin for error! YOU get access to the same dynamite bets I use to make up to $93,136.02 each month...
From the desk of the "sports betting champ" John Morrison:
Dear sports bettor,
My name is John Morrison and I'm a celebrated Cornell University graduate with a PhD in statistics. Over the last 28 years I've exclusively handicapped sports to a selected group of private members and have yet to have a losing season of betting!
I'm sure you've seen your fair share of people out there making sports handicapping claims they can't back up. You see, I'm not some Johnny come lately - I've been immersed into the world of sports betting for all of my adult life, and picking winners is a department I solely depend on to sustain my livelihood!
My name is John Morrison and I'm a celebrated Cornell University graduate with a PhD in statistics. Over the last 28 years I've exclusively handicapped sports to a selected group of private members and have yet to have a losing season of betting!
I'm sure you've seen your fair share of people out there making sports handicapping claims they can't back up. You see, I'm not some Johnny come lately - I've been immersed into the world of sports betting for all of my adult life, and picking winners is a department I solely depend on to sustain my livelihood!
What Kind Of Results do I Produce?
Here's my first sportsbook account (Notice the $85,062.63 balance). Can your handicapper produce results like this?Here's a screenshot from my second sportsbook account (notice my current balance - $185,819.80). My question for you -- are YOU getting results like this?